Remote Worker

Working from a Remote Office, Home Office or on the Move

Unshackling your staff from their desks and allowing them to work on the move or from home is becoming more and more popular.

Home Worker Solution

Remote access into a network is not new, but it is becoming a more common way of how businesses are now working. With the effect that COVID 19 has had on businesses in the UK, more and more companies are having their staff work from home.

The massive growth of increased bandwidth to the small office, wireless networking capabilities, mobile telephony, internet and cloud solutions enables businesses to now work from virtually anywhere on earth whilst keeping connected to your colleagues and customers.

If you have employees who are out on the road or work from home due to lockdown, they need to utilise a type of remote access service so they can access data and information as if they were working in the physical office.

There are several ways to provide a remote worker solution and that depends on the type of data the remote
worker needs to access. Our solutions are based on a consultative approach and almost all can be bespoke to
a client. However the types of products and services that we provide to build a remote worker environment are
listed below.


Through the use of our business grade broadband, fibre broadband services and mobile internet products we can
provide infrastructure that is secure. The access into the Head Office network can be designed through the use of MPLS
and VPN to create a private network between the remote worker and Head Office ensuring integrity and security.

As Fibre Broadband expands and technologies like GFast are being introduced, connectivity is getting much better to enable more remote working. To see what options are available for your property and remote workers, you will need to use our Broadband Availability checker.

Voice Access

Our Hosted Voice solution is perfect for remote workers and remote sites since the voice solution is hosted in the cloud. Providing remote access using standard ADSL Broadband through to Fibre Ethernet allows us to provide all voice users on one single network. With free calls between all sites and desktop / laptop diallers, there is no need for users to even have a physical handset to stay in touch with the Head Office. With an array of mobile applications that can be installed on mobile and tablet devices, we can cater for users on the road and on any device.

Typical questions we get asked are:

  • Can our staff make calls from home and our main company number still be represented when they dial? – Yes
  • Can staff still transfer calls to other staff members even if they are all working remotely – Yes
  • Are we able to monitor the calls that are being made by remote workers? – Yes

Mobile Access

With IOS and Android applications, we can ensure mobile phone users have full Hosted Voice and PBX functionality, enabling them to receive business voice calls via 4G or wi-fi on their home / remote network. We can also provide our clients with mobile phone services, including the latest devices and tablets from Apple, Samsung and Sony.

Key Features of our Remote Worker Solutions

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For more information please contact our sales team on 0161 260 0196 or visit our contact page.